Warning on Technical Tips

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Colin F
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Warning on Technical Tips

Post by Colin F »

Having read through some of the topics and advice offered on the forum I would like to point out to everyone using this facility that they should check the information and advice before using it.
A lot of the topics have been fully covered in past issues of the Jampot, there was a list of technical articles published last year.
Can I remind everyone that the information posted in the forum is not checked or vetted by the club so the accuracy and validity can not be checked or corrected.
Colin Farrington. Chairman.
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Warning on Technical Tips

Post by Eamonn »

Yes, this has been anticipated and technical articles are currently being reviewed to get them onto the web site !

I'm not too sure of the best format yet, but if anyone has any specific ideas I will be happy to accept them (otherwise I will put something together and rely on feedback after the event).

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Warning on Technical Tips

Post by TommoT »

I believe that most members are aware that technical advice from member to member is not covered by any warranty/liability by the Club or any other official body. Key word must be common sense and to seek second opinion on any important issue.

Secondly technical correct answers are sometimes hard to identify since even the "experts" sometimes disagree, so again above advice applies.

I second Christians suggestion to integrate technical info into the Club's website.

Safe riding
Tom Mortensen

Ride Your Motorcycle As If Your Life Depended On It - Cos' It Does!