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Wey Valley Notes

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2020 9:57 pm
by Mallet
Here in the Wey Valley, we were still meeting most Saturdays for a ride in and lunch, well the last meeting the weather was so awful we all drove in, ahem!

The weather must have been taunting us as while were there, the rain stopped, the clouds cleared, and the sun shone. We were not amused..

All activity has ceased with the new quarantine, but not to be undaunted, Glorious Leader has finally managed to get the engine back into his 500 twin, and is now able to progress with his rebuild, Mallet has still been out for a ride, all be it to work and back, Destroyer is still working from home, Teapot has gone back to rampaging around his garden, and the Knightrider is rebuilding, erm, something???

Stay safe, beware the Great Lurgy, and we'll see you out there again, Matchless Mainiacs and Ajay Wildthings!