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Notes from North East Section Club Night Thursday 4th May from 7pm

Posted: Tue May 09, 2023 9:56 pm
by nomisimon
Our meeting at the Robin Hood on May the fourth was attended by the usual suspects, with Ken arriving on his ‘other bike’ again. That particular evening was some six degrees cooler than other nights that week, otherwise I think more of us would have braved the elements. Several members reported ongoing tinkering with their bikes however, ready for the warmer weather.

Ken advised us that he has received an invitation from the organisers of the Bellingham Show, held on the show field, to the south of Bellingham bridge, on Saturday 26th August this year. If anyone would like to exhibit their bike, you will get two free tickets for the show. I’ve been to the show in previous years and it’s normally very good.

Here is what they e-mailed Ken:

Dear Vintage Vehicle Exhibitor

Planning is well underway for this years’ Bellingham Show. Taking place on Saturday 26th August. We would be delighted if you were able to attend with your vehicle. This year we are having a display of agricultural machinery, as well as the usual vintage cars and tractors.

If you are able to attend, please complete the entry form and return it by Friday 10th June

1. Places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.
2. All exhibits must have valid insurance
3. All drivers must have a current driving license
4. Two passes will be allocated per vehicle additional passes can be purchased in advance at a discounted rate from . Anyone without a valid ticket will be charged on the gate.
5. Vehicle passes and entry passes will be emailed out no later than 10 days before the show. (if you’d like tickets posted, please provide a self-addressed envelope).

Kind Regards etc

If anyone would like to exhibit their bike and maybe take their partner for day out, let me know and I’ll send you a copy of the form.

Best wishes

Simon Robinson