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Cursed Bike

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 1:34 pm
by David Simmons
I’m beginning to think my bike is cursed and I’m doomed never to ride it.
Fixed the clutch problem. It had been assembled incorrectly, one of the plates had jumped out of the basket, causing subsequent slip.
Replaced clutch cable, replaced clutch lever.
Replaced front brake shoes, oil soaked, presumably from over greasing of wheel bearing.
Replaced perished fuel lines and fitted new filters.
Installed fuse to prevent more fires (the reason I got the bike cheap).
Started bike and went out for a run. Only got 300yds and I thought ran out of fuel, pushed it back.

Dry sunny day so went to workshop with two gallons of ethanol free petrol. Filled up. No start. Grrrrrr
No spark.
As I was only expecting to fill up and set off, I had very limited tools with me, and nothing diagnostic.
Working for the next 5 days so can’t even investigate. Left the battery connected to an optimate to ensure that’s ok for when I get the chance to fault find.

Re: Cursed Bike

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2023 9:16 am
by Reynard24
Cursed bike? - Yep, had a couple of those but in all fairness you've only experienced a couple of minor setbacks and whilst these are certainly extremely irksome, they are not a serious malediction or, heaven forfend, a demonic possession.
The old bike world is fraught with frustration, be it from some previous owner's negligence or in same cases, criminal attempt at engineering or indeed the original design being of dubious merit in the first place.
Take a step back, deep breath and work methodically and most problems can be overcome. Deep seated niggles can respond to mild profanity or for persistent irritations, a stream of Anglo-Saxon expletives usually does the trick but, if all else fails, then judicious application of a lump hammer usually provides an effective exorcism. :D